The European Network of Trainers DIGITAL WOMANIST

The European Trainers' Network "DIGITAL WOMANIST" is a network of teachers, trainers and consultants from Italy, Spain, Romania, Greece and the Czech Republic representing the following universities and VET Providers:

  • University of Salerno (Italy)
  • Universidad de Alicante (Spain)
  • University of Bucharest (Romania)
  • University of Peloponnese (Greece)
  • CONFORM - Consulting, Training and Management S.C.A.R.L (Italy)
  • Artykel (Czech Republic)
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (Romania)

which was established as a result of international mobility that took place within the framework of the Erasmus+ project "DIGITAL WOMANIST" - Strategic Partnership in the field of Higher Education (Agreement 2021-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000032111) in Prague at Artykel from 19 to 23 June 2023 with the aim of consolidating relations and operational synergies in the research, higher education and work sectors by focusing on transformational team coaching as a common methodological denominator to maximise the training effectiveness of learning paths in European academic contexts.

The network's objectives

  • Reducing the gender gap in women's access to ICT-related hard digital skills that are more employable in the Europe 4.0 labour market
  • To hybridise university curricula in the humanities with technology-digital teaching and learning in order to meet the challenge of contemporary university education called upon to be interdisciplinary and to digitally transform its pathways
  • Bringing the employment rate of humanities graduates closer to STEM graduates by virtue of the content, methodological, and technological innovation of the "Digital Womanist" Curriculum
  • Consolidate a structural link between academic poles, research and development centres for teaching/learning methodologies and technologies, public and private cultural sector enterprises/organisations in order to reduce gender imbalances in the labour market and to enable women to realise their professional potential in the ICT-based cultural content production and communication sector
  • To bring together solutions, methodologies and technologies for teaching/learning tested in the Erasmus+ DIGITAL WOMANIST project that take transformational team coaching as a common method and digital skills as a field of application to hybridize humanistic subject areas, namely:
    • A university curriculum that develops hard digital skills for cultural enjoyment in female students
    • Microlearning pills and an Interactive Educational TV Programme, an interactive cross-media digital educational ecosystem, a real knowledge hub offering access to a variety of educational and informative content (videos, interviews, pdfs, OERs, tools, links, etc.) on digital humanism
    • A Handbook as an operational guide for teachers for conducting Digital Solution Design Labs and WBL sessions that exploit the dynamics of action learning to enable trained women to act out professional behaviours by carrying out check-ups within creative and cultural organizations to co-design digital innovation
  • Transfer to the institutional systems the didactic, educational and digital innovations tested and developed in order to modernize the policies for education and promote good practices in the wider national and international context.
  • Contribute to the definition of contents, models, and tools of an education and training in line with the characteristics of the European economic and social system, in a globalized perspective contributing to the strengthening of quality and competitiveness
  • To develop and support the capacity of the Education and Training Offer System to adapt in real time to the training needs, to the new needs of contents, methodologies, and learning processes expressed by the various institutional and economic (public, private and non-profit) actors and by the people, favoring the development of innovative experiences.
  • To foster internationalization processes of its members, also by promoting the exchange of information and experiences with universities and other European institutions and bodies operating in the sector.

Why join

To acquire the methodology and teaching tools to:

  1. Support the students in the organisational analysis for the identification of the digital solution to be implemented
  2. Lead the Digital Solutions Design Labs, through the application of transformational team coaching so as to accompany the students with the support of the Toolkit -realised by the partners- in the learning labs based on the learning by doing methodological approach and on the experiential methodology to elaborate the digital innovation prototypes to be introduced in the cultural organisations involved
  3. Lead Work Based Learning sessions in the cultural organisations where students will be accompanied in the implementation of the prototyped digital solution

The adoption of this approach responds to the growing importance in the cultural sphere of technology, which today represents a very powerful tool for enhancing the user experience and increasing engagement. This choice captures the change in culture and communication models in relation to corporate strategies and reinforces the link between the objectives of university education programs and corporate competitive strategies.

How to join the network

Joining the network is free of charge and does not bind the participating educational institutions in any way. It is merely an opportunity for collaboration in the world of pedagogical research and innovation of existing and emerging educational models. Institutions or even individual teachers, volunteers, young people and students can participate. To join the network click here.